Diversity is Valued When It Is Without Power

It starts with a knock. A quiet and persistent tap at the door.


We crack the door open, just a bit. Enough to let it in but not too much to let it roam. We like to keep diversity close, on a leash, on our terms. We smile at it, maybe even welcome it into the room. “Sit here,” we say. “No, not there. Over here. Perfect.” Always the guest. Never the host. Diversity can stay as long as it submits to our whim. As long as it doesn’t expect anything. As long as it remembers who’s in charge. But what happens when diversity decides not to sit quietly?

It’s tricky, isn’t it? We say we value diversity—but only when it works for us. When it adds to the bottom line. When it sells the campaign, boosts the numbers, or makes us look good. We measure its worth in gains and profits, in optics and outcomes. Never in life. Never in soul.

We don’t see Diversity for who it is. And I’ll give you a hint. Diversity isn’t something - it’s SOMEONE. This whole time, Diversity is US. All of us. And to fully embrace that is to let it lead, to let it shine—and that’s where fear creeps in. Familiar fear of rusty cages and grey slurries of assimilation and control. I’ve seen fear in this space. It wears a polite smile. It says things like, “We’re just not ready,” or, “One step at a time.” Fear keeps Diversity tied up, quiet, and hidden. Fear sells us a version of belonging that fits in a box, as long as we stay there. But here’s the catch: fear cages us just as much as it cages diversity.

And we know better. Deep down, we know better.

What are we so afraid of? Are we afraid to lose control? Afraid of breaking familiar systems? Or is it deeper than that? Maybe we’re afraid of what Diversity reflects back at us. Our flaws. Our insecurities. Our vulnerability. Because when Diversity rises, it doesn’t just rise—it holds up a mirror. And mirrors are tricky things. They don’t lie. They show us all of it: the good, the bad, the parts we’d rather not see.

Here’s the thing: the world we’ve built—this Western world we know so well— was built on keeping diversity small, silent and submissive. Always a servant, never the King. But this world is changing. I can feel it. You can feel it too, can’t you?

Diversity isn’t asking anymore. It’s claiming it’s space. And when it does, it heals. It connects. It reminds us of who we really are: complex, messy, beautiful - human. I’m tired of fear. Aren’t you? I’m ready to let diversity sing. To let it rise. To throw open the doors and say, “Welcome. Take your place.” Because when diversity leads, we all find our way.

We are fools to think we are free when we haven’t let Diversity liberate us. Because that’s what Diversity does in its fullness of power - it liberates.

Diversity doesn’t empower a select group or a specific person. Yes, it can do that it in its journey of liberation. But diversity liberates everyone. When empowered it reclaims fear, it renews kindness and it reconciles injustice. Diversity, like a Queen, doesn’t sit on a throne like we’re used to. No. She expands her power into relationship - from the highest court to the farthest field. She doesn’t distinguish from peasant or royalty, she refuses to discriminate.

It’s our turn now.


Friendship Beyond Our Feeds


Diversity is Valued When It Is Hidden